Charu Wellness Centre
Ayurveda Sydney, Beauty, Massage
Health & Natural Skincare

Beauty Treatments
Facial Skin Treatment
Experience a professionally tailored facial treatment to cleanse and heal your skin, remove dead cells, blackheads and clogged pores. We apply our natural, handmade Charu facial range to treat your skin, leaving it relaxed and refreshed.
The full package starts with a Facial Cleanse, where we apply Charu Cleansing Oil to your face and neck, thoroughly massaging it into your skin and applying rose water to remove dirt, toxic sebum, oils, bacteria and any traces of makeup. We then move on to Facial Scrubbing – the Charu Face Scrub is gently massaged along your facial hair line to engage circulation, remove dead skin cells and heal blackheads, clogged pores and blemishes. The scrub is then washed off and accompanied by a therapeutic Facial Massage. This procedure is followed by a Face Mask, developed from natural oils and herbs, tailored to your specific skin type. The mask is allowed to rest for half an hour and then slowly removed, revealing a clearer, more hydrated skin. We finish off with another light Facial Massage, where Charu Face Oil is rubbed into the skin to repair skin muscles and leave it moisturised.
Body Treatment
Experience a professionally tailored body treatment to exfoliate and heal your skin, remove dead cells and improve blood circulation. We apply our natural, handmade Charu body range to treat your skin, leaving it relaxed and refreshed.
The full package starts with a Body Scrubbing, where we apply Charu Body Scrub to the whole body, thoroughly massaging it into your skin. The scrub is built with exfoliating granules that are rubbed in a circulatory motion to remove dead skin cells. This action drains the lymphatics and improves blood circulation, reinvigorating the skin and boosting energy levels. The scrub is then washed off and accompanied by a therapeutic Body Massage to repair skin muscles and revive the cells. This procedure is followed by Body Wrapping/Mask, developed from natural oils and herbs, tailored to your specific skin type. Body wraps help to clean and moisturize the skin, improving the tone and tightness and removing toxins and impurities. The mask is allowed to rest for half an hour and then slowly removed, revealing a clearer, more hydrated skin.
Hands & Feet Treatment
Experience professionally tailored hand and foot treatment to revive and heal your skin, remove dead cells and improve circulation. We apply our natural, handmade Charu hand & foot range to treat your skin, leaving it relaxed and refreshed.
The full package starts with a Foot Bath, where we bathe your feet using Charu Hand & Feet Soak in a warm water bowl to soften the skin, relieve rheumatic pain, remove perspiration and revive your tired feet. This is followed by a Hand Soak which will help to ease cramps and cleanse your skin. We then move on to Hands and Feet Scrubbing – the Charu Hand & Foot Scrub is soothingly massaged around the muscles (with a brush) to engage circulation, remove dead skin cells, exfoliate dry skin and hard calluses, destroy fungus and bacteria and eliminate odour. This procedure is followed by a Hand & Feet Mask, developed from natural oils and herbs, tailored to your specific skin type to revitalise dry skin and ease tension. The mask is allowed to rest for half an hour and then slowly removed, revealing a clearer, more hydrated skin. We finish off with a light Hand and Foot Massage to loosen the muscles.
Ayurvedic Skin Healing
If you are experiencing skin conditions such as acne, pimples or blemishes anywhere on your body, natural Ayurvedic oils and herbs will heal and restore your skin. Dr Charu Khuller (Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery) will develop a personalised, handmade solution to treat the problem and revive your skin without chemicals, rehabilitating it to its original state.
Skin restoration therapy may be conducted over a few days or several weeks (at a highly affordable rate), depending on the condition. During each consultation, the skin is reassessed and a new formula is developed based on the results from the previous treatment. Traditional dermatology involves the use of topical steroids which may lead to dangerous side effects and reactions. Our ingredients are always 100% natural and chemical-free, so you can rest assured that your skin will never react negatively during the process. Book a consultation today to begin your healing journey and regain your confidence.
Ayurvedic Services
Panchakarma - Detoxification Therapy
Does your body require detoxification? Do you feel like your immune system is weak? Are you experiencing stress, tightness, heaviness, tiredness or appetite loss? Panchakarma is the word's oldest, scientifically proven, detoxification program that alleviates toxins and improves health. Destroy fat-soluble toxins that cause disruption to your natural system.
At the Charu Ayurvedic Wellness Centre, you will experience a professionally designed Panchakarma procedure, tailored to your body and situation. The program begins with Poorva Karma - Preparation. Through Ayurvedic massage, herbal administration, scrubbing and steaming, toxins are pushed closer to the cleansing channel. We then move on to Pradhan Karma - Cleansing. Depending on your situation, a tailored Ayurvedic treatment well be employed to remove the toxins from your body. Finally, we move on to Paschata Karma - Rebuilding. A diet and herbal plan are developed to rejuvenate the body and enhance future well-being. The ultimate, personalised detox experience.
Shirodhara - Head Oil Flow
Are you experiencing Insomnia, Headaches, Depression or Anxiety? Shirodhara involves the continuous flow of oil over your forehead, focussed on the pituitary gland (the master gland). A steady stream of oil will invoke third eye chakra and stimulate your nervous system, restoring balance to your mind through a spiritual journey.
At the Charu Ayurvedic Wellness Centre, we use a natural, warm, herbal oil or milk, which will be focused on your hypophysis with a specially designed Shirodhara pot, hanging from the ceiling. You will experience a state of deep relaxation while a continuous stream of warm oil pours on to your forehead, through your hair. Reconnect with your inner self while relaxing your thoughts and experiencing the most unique body therapy. The treatment is followed by a soothing Abhyanga head massage.
Abhyanga - Medicinal Oil Massage
Are you experiencing muscle stiffness, fatigue or stress? Abhyanga is a traditional Ayurvedic deep tissue massage involving the direct absorption of natural herbal oils through the pores of your skin. These oils treat imbalance and soothe the nervous system, while inducing a state of calmness and peace.
Dr Charu Khuller employs special Abhyanga techniques at our Ayurvedic Wellness Centre to treat the most delicate muscles in the body. From the head and neck to the back and shoulders, Abhyanga will relieve any accumulated tension and relieve your muscles from strain. Cure musculoskeletal issues and diseases with a deep massage accompanied with hand-infused oils made using Indian Ayurvedic formulas. Whether it’s just to de-stress or cure muscle aches, there’s an Abhyanga treatment for you.
Basti - Spot Oil Treatment
Basti (or Vasti) is an intensely soothing Ayurvedic therapy which involves the absorption of medicinal oils into your body by placing a herb-infused dough over the afflicted area. Warm oil is poured into the doughnut shaped dough and left to foment, healing the damaged region.
At the Charu Ayurvedic Wellness Centre, we utilise several popular forms of Basti, which are personalised based on the specific area which requires treatment and the problem at hand. This includes the head and hair (Shiro Basti), back (Kati Basti), neck (Griva Basti), knee (Janu Vasti) and chest (Urovasthi). The treatment targets and eliminates joint pain and lower back diseases (spinal disc herniation, lumbar spondylosis etc.) as well as other ailments including irritable bowel syndrome urinary tract disorders, migraines, insomnia, respiratory issues and many more. We recommend a consultation to determine the best solution.
Ayurvedic Healing
Ayurveda is a healing system that incorporates a wide range of treatments, similar to traditional General Practitioners and Specialists. We recommend a consultation with Dr Charu Khuller (Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery) to identify the best therapy for your ailments. Our Wellness Centre is an accredited practice, authorised to prescribe health treatments and medication.
Additional Ayurvedic services include Udvartana (Weight loss Massage), Mardana (Oil-less Massage), Marma (Hot Stone Massage), Padaabhyanga (Legs and Feet Reflexology), Hasta Abhyanga (Arms and Hands Massage), Kizhi (Heat Massage), Nasya (Nasal Medication and Massage), Akshi/Netra Tarpana (Eye Therapy), Karna Purana (Ear Therapy), Nadi Sweda (Muscle Stiffness Treatment), Njavarakizhi (Rice Massage) and many more!
Traditional Massage
Body Massage
Looking to relax your muscles and relieve soreness? At the Charu Ayurvedic Wellness Centre, we offer traditional body massage services to reduce stress, provide relaxation, loosen muscle joints, improve concentration and reduce fatigue.
Using traditional, natural body oils and applying aromatherapy techniques, our massage therapy may focus on the back, shoulders, neck, arms, head, legs, hands, feet, full body or a combination of several muscles. Book a consultation today to find the best package for you.
Deep Tissue Massage
To alleviate strong muscle stiffness, relieve chronic pain and reduce inflammation, we offer a deep tissue massage. By slowly applying increased pressure, deep layers of the muscle can be treated to heal injuries, improve scar tissue, ease migraines and remove tightness.
At the Charu Ayurvedic Wellness Centre, natural oils are combined with physiotherapy to alleviate pain, inflammation and tension in any part of the body including the back, shoulders, neck, arms, head, legs, hands and feet. Book a consultation today to find the best package for you.
Ayurvedic Massage
Ayurvedic healing utilises a range of massage treatments to cure various diseases and ailments. At the Charu Ayurvedic Wellness Centre, we develop medicine using natural herbs and essential oils and each formula is uniquely tailored to suit your condition and help cure it. This custom medicinal oil is then combined with authentic Ayurvedic massage techniques to heal the injured area.
Ayurvedic massages include Abhyanga (see above), Lepam (Medicinal paste), Mardana (Oil-less), Marma (Hot stone), Udvartana (Weight loss), Padaabhyanga (Legs and Feet Reflexology), Hasta Abhyanga (Arms and Hands Massage), Shiro-Abhyanga (Head & Shoulder), Khizi (Heat) and many more! We recommend a consultation with Dr Charu Khuller (Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery) to identify the best massage therapy for your ailments.